Thursday, March 17, 2005

Pittsburgh Makes the Headlines Again

Usually when Pittsburgh makes the news, it's because we've been declared something: Most Liveable, Most Rockin', Worst for Singles, Worst for Jobs, Worst for Football (compared to the damnable Pat's)...

Now, Twinkies have been news around here since their inception. And considered GOOD news, no doubt! Fry 'em, or just eat 'em raw - the little cream-filled devils make everything better, even if your entire city is being decimated by 40 years of poor political and economic leadership! Through this AP wire story, the rest of the nation - and the world - can share in Pittsburgh's own ongoing struggle; we don't deny that we've secretly sought to acquire yellow-cake!

In Caliban bookshop the other day, I heard a San Fran psych-garage radio show, and the the DJ played the Swamp Rats, commenting afterwards that he had been to Pittsburgh, and that the Swamp Rats were definitely the only worthwhile thing that ever happened there. Well, move over ancient garage rock - and watch out for photos of famous art works remade using Twinkies!

As a child, my best friend's mother, Pat Roberts, published The Twinky Cookbook - which must be a kitsch collector's item by now. She, too, was a photographer working in the cream-filled yellow cake medium. Her followup, The International Twinky Cookbook - I recall helping her flesh out the recipe for Twinky Haggis - was dropped by the publisher, and never did see the light of day. That's what you get for being ahead of your time.


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